Hosting the Make-A-Wish Gala Red Carpet !!!

Make A Wish began with one special wish in 1983 and currently grants more than 15,000 wishes per year in the United States – that is about every 34 minutes on average. In the New York City chapter, I had the honor to host the red carpet of the Power of A Wish NYC Gala, speaking to many wish children, volunteers, board members and general Make-A-Wish enthusiasts who make a difference every day. I was amazed by the endless stories of happiness, and even healing through the Power of a Wish.





What The Power Of A Wish Could Do.

Spoke with world renowned photographer, philanthropist and Make A Wish Granter and Ambassador, Nigel Barker. He has been an advocate and a wish granter for over a decade- even his daughter is now involved with him on the red carpet. On behalf of many, we thank you for your support.

Did You Know?

Make A Wish grants over 15,000 wishes per year? On average, that’s about one wish granted every 34 minutes!

Make A Wish Granter and Ambassador Nigel Barker and his daughter




When I wake up and start my day, I thank God for allowing me to use my platform continue to bring awareness and happiness to those in need. This is just the beginning to my path of humanitarianism.  I was so blown away (but not surprised), on how intelligent and polite our young guest of the evening were. Confidence level, 100%! And how adorable are those dresses? Their warm hugs were just what I needed to finish off the night strong!






Thank you so much to the Make A Wish , for granting me the opportunity to host the red  carpet this year! It was such an honor to be in the same presence of people who live to make a difference. With this foundation, thousands of children  have the chance to become their favorite super hero, create their own magic show and even simply have an amazing birthday party with their closest family and friends A huge ‘Thank You’ to my mom and my fiancee’ , for coming out to witness how much an inspirational impact Make A Wish Found has on its volunteers and recipients. I am so grateful to have them in my life, sharing this moment with them was just,  magical!



If You Had One Wish, What Would You Wish For?

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